Journey Into God’s Word

Connecting Hearts

Our Mission

To share the love of Jesus Christ to bring comfort, friendship and spiritual support to those residing/working in Assisted Living Facilities.

The Need

There are 1.3 Million living in Assisted Living Centers. 2.35% of the population will require this lifestyle. 60% of people living in Assisted Care Centers will never receive a visitor. Of those who do have visitors, 75% receive an average of less than one a month. Average stay is 835 days/2.28 years. Average age is 79. One third struggle with suicidal thoughts. There are twice as many women as men.

Seeking God in All Seasons of our Life – hosted by Bob Harris

Have you ever met an Angel? – hosted by Bob Harris

Challenges We Face As We Age – Part 2 – hosted by Jim Jacobs

Challenges We Face As We Age – Part 1 – hosted by Jim Jacobs

The Person Of The Holy Spirit – hosted by Michael Coppock

Experiencing God’s Peace in a Time of Great Anxiety – hosted by Tom Beckner

Two Are Better Than One – hosted by Tom Beckner

I Have Called You Friends – hosted by Butch Gastfield

Faith And Hope – hosted by Bob Harris

Forgiving But Not Forgetting – hosted by Bob Harris

Temptations Part 1 – hosted by Jim Jacobs

Temptations Part 2 – hosted by Jim Jacobs

Live Fearless – hosted by Michael Coppock

Finishing Well – hosted by Michael Coppock

God’s Got This – hosted by Michael Coppock

Hope In Discouraging Times – hosted by Michael Coppock

Video Resources.

The Old Testament

The New Testament

What is the Bible?

Old Testament in 5 minutes

The Gospel

The Psalms